
How working hours of our service?

Our service and support service works daily 24/7 (without holidays and weekends)


How much time currency exchange takes?

Transaction usually takes somewhere between 5 - 30 minutes


Are the applications executed automatically? How much time takes the application process?

Our service works in manual application process mode.


Is it safe to work with us?

The connection with the web site is made by the protocol https be means of encrypted transfer mechanisms SSL, the service itself also has encryption that excludes the possibility of data theft. As to the credibility to the service you have to take into account our positive feedbacks on forums, expensive and unique technical outfit of the web site as well as the work of our professional support that is always ready to help the client.


Can I cancel my recent order/s if the payment already has been sent?

No, if you have already made a payment using the details provided in order description, then this order is considered as completed and can't be canceled.