We have added a new Crypto Currency – Binance BNB

We announce that we have added a new Crypto Currency – Binance (BNB) . The below directions added newly. You can try these out.

Steam USD to Binance (BNB)
Steam EUR to  Binance (BNB)
Xbox USD to Binance (BNB)
Xbox EUR to Binance (BNB)
Xbox GBP to Binance (BNB)
PSC EUR to Binance (BNB)
NeoSurf EUR to Binance (BNB)
NeoSurf GBP to Binance (BNB)
Razer Gold USD to Binance (BNB)
Google Play USD to Binance (BNB)
Google Play EUR to Binance (BNB)

If you found any errors or have any question, you can feel free to contact with us.

25.02.2022 12:16:00